4月 10th, 2015
■ 「シティ情報ふくおか」出版の「リノベーション&インテリア2015」 ムック – 4月1日発売

「シティ情報ふくおか」 FUKUOKA mook バックナンバー購入ページ
■ >> 山王マンション305リノベーション: 「時代移植」 - The Times Transplantation Building
2015:第27回福岡県美しいまちづくり建築賞 / 福岡県建築住宅センター理事長賞 受賞作品
2014:The Architizer A+ Awards 2014 / 審査員賞 受賞作品 (住宅インテリア部門)
■ >> T邸 – マンションリノベーション
■ >> I邸 リノベーション
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タグ: シティ情報ふくおか, リノベーション&インテリア2015, 掲載誌
10月 29th, 2014
■ イタリアのウェブマガジン ”designboom” に
山王マンション407リノベーション:”時代蘇生 times resuscitation building”

“designboom” 紹介文
in its prime, ‘sanno mansion’, was a cutting-edge rental apartment with rare technological devices such as telephone switch board rooms and elevators. situated in hakata-ward, fukuoka, japan, the exterior aesthetic of shiny black tiles contrasted the built-up area of low-rise wooden houses. 40 years had passed, and eventually, the complex dilapidated, falling into a negative spiral of decreased occupancy rate, reduction of rent, and declined revenue. everyone felt that it had no value with an dingy, aged-contemporary style. observing these conditions, nano architects asked itself: ‘but, does the decrepit interior truly have no value?’ in japan, it is common belief that the value of a structure falls with time, but seeing the potential of this site, the studio renovated it into the ‘times resuscitation building’.
in regards to the personality of the mansion, yasuhiro shinano says, ‘I may say that it is the intention of the creator to reflect the expression of the era. the room 407 in sanno apartment had the personality as such.’ he believes that this ambiance is generated by fickle public culture that comes and goes over the time, leading to loose classifications in regards to ‘new’ and ‘old’. to restore the structure and bring back traditional concepts of japanese architecture, driftwood was selected to symbolize a sense of historical significance. its expansive use recreates voids, shelves, and benches in tune with nature. other features such as the translucent paper screens of the shoji dividers, and the tatami room floor panels have also been brought back to life.
■ 山王マンション305リノベーション:”時代蘇生 the times transplantation building ” も掲載されています。

>> 山王マンション407リノベーション:”時代蘇生 times resuscitation building” について
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タグ: designboom, ウェブマガジン, 掲載誌, 時代蘇生
10月 27th, 2014
■ 朝日新聞 <福岡版> ”FUKUOKAリポート” 2016年10月27日(月)
「DIYリノベでビル再生 ― 人・建物・まちつなぐ」 の中で、
「山王マンション305リノベーション」:「”時代移植” The Times Transplantation Building」

「山王マンション305リノベーション」:「”時代移植” The Times Transplantation Building」
主要用途:1F・テナント / 2F〜6F賃貸マンション
延床面積:305号室 48平米
間取変更:3DK → 1LDK
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タグ: 掲載誌, 朝日新聞